Is there something missing which prevents merge to master?
Getting rid of non-existing HTML tags should be done already. The markup is pretty much screwed and maintaining a good CSS layout isn't easy job.
> @jozan im curious if you were able to render these SVG images with [react-native-skia](https://shopify.github.io/react-native-skia/docs/images-svg/) maybe Expo could switch to use skia under the hood. i haven't tested on skia....
i encountered another bug related to the same library (issue #8924). for me `web.chat.postMessage()` works in bun but some other api calls do not.
i took a look at this again. when setting `maxRedirects` to `1` or default by removing the property altogether, i hit another issue: bun doesn't support brotli compression. keep an...
I'd like to see this issue getting fixed. Optional input fields are quite common usecase. :baby_chick:
tested my repro case and this works in bun 1.1.10
bun now supports brotli compression and `@slack/web-api` works in bun v.1.1.10. i'll mark this as resolved.
I've had this PR pending since October. Would like to have some comment on it. :) https://github.com/exponentjs/ex-navigation/pull/163