
Results 14 comments of joytsay

OMG @goatchurchprime you're a life saver! this totally worked _(except the `android-ndk-downloader` doesn't really work anymore so just download `android-ndk-r11c-linux-x86_64` from and export the 3 paths mentioned above finally...

> On Windows, I cannot find "Processing.NDI.Lib.x64.dll" after build process. > > `mkdir build` `cd build` `cmake ..` `cmake --build . --config Release` > > After this, files I see...

> > > > I've exactly did what you say but nothings happens. Also my files don't have .dll extension but only .lib. > > Does someone know a way...

我發現可以隨機給予3-10秒sleep (抓取中華電信20年成功): in (line 55) ``` def fetch(self, year: int, month: int, sid: str, retry: int=5): params = {'date': '%d%02d01' % (year, month), 'stockNo': sid} for retry_i in range(retry):...

self 只是 python 語言裡面 class 的 instance 這裡為了要避掉 class TWSEFetcher(BaseFetcher)中 fetch fucntion 抓太快被台股 server 鎖IP的問題 在[twstock/]( 的下一行 for 迴圈裏面 增加 以下兩行 code 即可 ``` randNum = random.randrange(3,10) time.sleep(randNum) ```...

開啟[twstock/twstock/cli/]( 並將所有stdout的刪除: ``` # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import io import sys import twstock # XXX: Repalce sys.stdout prevent Windows UnicodeEncodeError on cmd.exe #stdout = io.TextIOWrapper( # getattr(sys.stdout, 'buffer', sys.stdout),...

@nttstar I'm facing the same problem with scrfd_500m.onnx my onnxruntime-gpu is on checked by: ``` python -c "import onnxruntime as ort; print(ort.get_device())" >>> GPU ``` performed 10 runs: ``` all...

To answer my question above I came upon and used this instead ``` pip install -U insightface ``` after doing: ``` pip install onnxruntime-gpu ``` I ran and...

@Monkey-D-Luffy-star yes here is my infer time on RTX 3080: p.s. `scrfd_500m.onnx` is `SCRFD_0.5GF` Model | Backbone | Input | RTX 3080 Linux -- | -- | --| -- CenterFace...

As mentioned above, i used the `python-package` with` onnxruntime-gpu` installed my docker environment is: ``` docker pull ``` ( since I wanted to benchmark RetinaFace in mxnet environment )...