Joydeep Biswas
Joydeep Biswas
Using Eigen in residuals is a great topic for a sub-page in the documentation. Another style of question that seems to come up often in the discussion group is: *...
Work is under way:
CUDA CGNR Is now merged into master: 829089053e261f056dd72cd8c74e4c19ac445924 @sandwichmaker Let's close this issue and create new ones for the targeted follow-up items we discussed.
@sandwichmaker Please assign to me, I'll take a look sometime.
@WuKongBlog What happens when you try to execute that line manually from the terminal, while in the build directory?
Another thought (based on the "a single input file" part of the error) : I wonder if the "" extension is throwing it off. Could you also try renaming it...
Hmm, this is mystifying, but I'm also not sure about all the VS flags. Could you try: ``` "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.6\bin\nvcc.exe" -o ceres_cuda_kernels.dir\Release\ "D:\Develop\library\ceres-solver\internal\ceres\" ```
Ouch. Okay, on linux, the following succeeds: ``` nvcc --compile -std=c++14 -x cu -o internal/ceres/CMakeFiles/ceres_cuda_kernels.dir/ ../internal/ceres/ ``` I think the following would be the Windows equivalent, can you try that?...
@WuKongBlog Thanks, this is very helpful! Can you share the compiler error that you get when you compile with "--std=c++14"? Also, what happens if you include all the "/wd*" flags...
We cannot remove the `-x cu` flag - it's telling the compiler that this is a C++ file with CUDA extensions. Without it, it will try to compile as just...