Hello. I am creating nsxt_tier0 with nsxt_tier0.yml in uni-test. But There is a issue. When I configured nsxt_tier.yml adding ha_config, error occured. but in case of non-ha_config, it worked. So,...
as I tested before, there was error message like "must provide host_swtich_id for HostSwitch of type VDS" is that right??and is there any way to deploy transport node profile with...
I run test_ip_pools.yml on nsxt 3.1.1. It works. When I check ip pool on nsx-t UI. I found ip pool was displayed on mp api(manager mode). but I want to...
I am studying nsx-t ansible script to deploy cvds with vcenter 7.0. I succeed deploying cvds using I mean nsxt configuration on cluster. but I want to use
there is error message. here is below. "cannot specify hostswitchmode without specifying tranposrtzoneendpoints at hostswitch host-switch." what is the problem??
I got 2 issues. but I guess they have same problem. when I run test_ovf_deployment.yml and test_manager_auto_deployment.yml (i mean deploying first and additional nsxt manager). There is an ansible playbook...
I am using NSX-T 3.1. and I want to create CVDS not N-VDS. So is this possible integrating TZ Node Profile and Deploying Host Node with VDS using ansible-for-nsxt??