
Results 25 comments of josundt

I had this problem myself after testing out a TypeScript/Webpack project created using today with latest version of `npx makes aurelia`. All breakpoints were gray (not effective) in VSCode when...

Any chance for this be approved/merged/released?

@sindresorhus I actually made a copy of the `supports-color` script and added a `console.log` statement right before each of the return statements. Then I ran the script it in an...

I also spent quite some time trying to get this work. We have a "hybrid" project consisting of a ASP.NET Core Web API (C#) and a SPA (TypeScript). **This is...

I made a small app to demonstrate the problem: Please clone repository at This is an AspNetCore App with one API controller and a single HTML page. The page...

@gathogojr We are using the Non-Edm Approach. In the article you referred to (, there's a chapter __"Non-Edm Approach"__. The chapter starts as follows: _"If you decide to go the...

Hello again and sorry for my late reply. In my company we are developing different ASP.NET Core Web APIs to serve our own LOB applications, but can also serve any...

Thanks for the quick feedback 👍 We are in the process of creating a new UI components library for our software. Date inputs can be implemented in many ways, but...

Thanks for your advisory and tips on how date inputs can be implemented. The business requirements for our software are already defined, and our design decisions are based on dialog...

To me it would be sufficient if the dateParser had a getLocaleMask() or getLocalePattern() method. Maybe the dateFormatter should have the same.