Josué Ayala

Results 6 comments of Josué Ayala

in a few days the minified alpha version will be available.

> @lukewhrit @ndelvalle I had the same problem on a Vue project written in TS, I tried this fix #265 . Let me know if it works for you :)...

Add the following line in the configuration file `tsconfig.json` ``` ts "types": [ ... "types/v-click-outside.d.ts" ] ``` In your root folder create a directory `types/v-click-outside.d.ts` ``` ts declare module 'v-click-outside';...

If you're not using nuxt v3, please install `"@nuxtjs/google-fonts": "^2.0.0"`

> Hey @ianapiron is not working for me `:loop="true"` ``` Slide 1 Content Slide 2 Content Slide 2 Content ```

🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 @danielroe