Two comments to unionWith function: - The order of the params for the predicate function looks wrong to me. First parameter corresponds with the second object. and second parameter corresponds...
@CrossEye It looks really restricted in both sides ```fn (a, b) must equal fn (b, a)``` and ```unionWith(fn) (xs, ys) must equal (fn) (ys, xs)``` Documentation is a little bit...
Feature: Evaluation of specific comments //=> to show function Use Cases or internal data structure.
Thanks... I am using something similar to your example. The only thing I miss is to be able to show several values within a block of comment. It will be...
@ArtemGovorov It looks a nice feature that could be valuable to revisit: * Getting Functional Programming more and more popular * Being functional too verbose and it would be a...
It would be nice if it could get done without the inclusion of any live code. It looks a little bit buggy the need to include the number and specially...