Joshua Cold

Results 26 comments of Joshua Cold

I think it wouldn't be too much work to make it so the user can decide how many rounds they want. Ill see if I can make something that would...

It's probably going to be easier to re-create the csv parser in nodejs so I can just call the functions on the backend when we load the content of a...

Since heroku is now serving the Docker file I can execute the ruby script to parse the csv text into json

im thinking a select able option that chooses if the game music is either played on - admin console - game screen - joined buzzer screens.

![image]( Example of message coming from server.

Yeah good idea. Would be great to be built in. In fact I have another cmp plugin that relies on an auto command to load it in for a certain...

This works for my workflow ```vim autocmd BufNew,BufEnter *.java,*.groovy,*.scala execute "call deoplete#enable() | !silent CocDisable" autocmd BufLeave *.java,*.groovy,*.scala execute "call deoplete#disable() | !silent CocEnable" ```

What would be the work around for this before this feature is done? say I have all my gradle dependencies in `~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/` Can I manually configure the class path with...

Hey there. Can you give me some context? What's your configuration look like?

that `jenkins_url` needs to be a server that you have can get you. Its going to try and pull the GDSL from the jenkins server. However whats supposed to happen...