Joshua Fan
Joshua Fan
Probably a good example of "just because you can, doesn't mean you should".
Nice, but could use a desktop-only "[T] to save schematic" key hint at the bottom of the screen, to make the feature discoverable to players who don't read patch notes...
> * I can't zoom after a selection is made, which is very annoying. > * Scrollwheel should not be used to rotate the selection. It's bad right now because...
> In my opinion, zooming is a lot more important in the editor, while rotation of selections is a lot less important. I think it's more important to maintain the...
I would really like to be able to disable the color picker specifically. Many times, while trying to select something else in CSS, I have accidentally moused over a color,...
Thank you for collecting these into one place. I had come across most of them while I was collecting URLs from these courses. I had considered collecting these into a...
I am aware of this. [CS 2A 1B.3-4]( are also 404s. Teachers who use Loceff's modules modified these sections and hosted them directly on Canvas instead of linking to Loceff's...