Josh Stevens
Josh Stevens
any idea @ricmoo
would love to get some code in what you mean here... do you think that's how etherscan + tenderly still manage to decode the log?
Hey man! I have 100% focused on ethers integration a bit more then web3, somethings are any on web3 as I’ve just not had time to sort like event stuff...
Hey thanks for rasing the issue so your saying you want the import to be like: ``` import type { ContractTransaction, BigNumberish, } from 'ethers'; ```
Will take a look guys!
Package supports both ethers v4 and v5.. will look into this more tomorrow thanks again for raising the issues
oh good catch.. so to confirm you have something called "length" on ABI ethers turns it to `_length` right? or the other way around?
good to know will look at both your issues the `type` one may be a bit more of a rewrite but we should support it thanks for raising
Multicall doesn't return result with same type like BigNumber from "ether" when using singlecall !!!
You can use BigNumber.From to parse it on the response in your code. right now in the lib it just returns the nine class version.. would be nicer if it...
Multicall doesn't return result with same type like BigNumber from "ether" when using singlecall !!!
For sure great idea!! be my guest to do a PR @jsertx