Josh O'Connor

Results 15 comments of Josh O'Connor

same here Pavel

No idea why this works, but try this: `ionic cordova plugin add --variable ANDROID_MIME_TYPE="image/*" --variable IOS_URL_SCHEME=shareextension --variable IOS_UNIFORM_TYPE_IDENTIFIER=public.image` Some reason, when doing `ionic cordova plugin add cc.fovea.cordova.openwith` command, it...

func gestureRecognizer(_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWith otherGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool { return true } Place this in your VC which contains your EZSwipeVC and it should work. I also added the...

This solution above works, but there is one more thing you have to do if you are using a UINavigationController. All you have to do is subclass the UINavigationController and...

why has this issue not been solved? im getting this exact issue. this is a deal breaker for a lot of people using capacitor

i figured it out, you have to use the setScroll property here `setScroll setScroll(options: { isDisabled: boolean }): Promise Programmatically enable or disable the WebView scroll`

i know this is the issue, becuase if I add ` dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ self.webView.scrollView.scrollEnabled = NO; self.webView.scrollView.delegate = self; }); ` to `Keyboard.m` `- (void)load` and I remove the disable...

yep it solved my issue. and if you need anything that needs to be scrolled, just create a div and set `overflow-y: auto` and `-webkit-overflow-scroll: touch` to that div's class.

`import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';` `const { Keyboard } = Plugins;` `Keyboard.setScroll({ isDisabled: true })`

has this been supported yet? if not I will have to move to a different keychain library.