Joshua Niemelä

Results 7 issues of Joshua Niemelä

`latexify("a ∈ b")` results in `L"$\in\left( a, b \right)$"` and should probably return `L"$a \in b$"`. `\forall` and `\exists` and probably other infix operators result in a crash.

LoopVectorization.check_args returns false for `OffsetArray{Bool, BitVector}`, but doesn't with the similar `OffsetArray{Bool, Vector{Bool}}` Code to reproduce the problem: ```julia using OffsetArrays using LoopVectorization OffsetArray(zeros(Bool, 10)) |> LoopVectorization.check_args OffsetArray(trues(10)) |> LoopVectorization.check_args...

Query gives the following error: Neo.ClientError.Request.InvalidFormat: Illegal struct size: Expected struct to be 1 fields but got 0 This happens because the specification has been changed, the spec now expects...

Currently, it isn't possible to convert aligned environments containing \intertext. Immediate solution: converting \intertext{...} to $...$ in Typst will give the intended result of intertext Is this solution good enough...


I'm trying to run pycall through this FHS and it seems to be missing some sort of dependency ``` ERROR: PyError ($(Expr(:escape, :(ccall(#= /home/josh/.julia/packages/PyCall/ygXW2/src/pyeval.jl:38 =# @pysym(:PyEval_EvalCode), PyPtr, (PyPtr, PyPtr, PyPtr),...

Would there be any demand for a way to interface with google cloud's vision API?

When reading through the code I notice that most of the functions use int * int types everywhere whilst a point type is defined down near "interp", is there a...