
Results 16 comments of joshmn

Are any of the HTML elements you are pasting not defined by the editor? That would be my guess.

What parameters are you sending? I'm loading this up in a similar configuration as we speak. I'll touch back with what I find.

Reporting back: I can't reproduce this out of the box. Here are the parameters I'm sending, `Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"YaNEO9yK5082BhkcPZvwnxhffhUZjyV9+RgoFs5j8mwA08EdGMKEXEz7gMX8Ws62BmXdacDajv6KQ0l4TOqEwQ==", "news_item"=>{"title"=>"cool man bro", "content"=>"asdf", "donators"=>"1"}, "_wysihtml5_mode"=>"1", "commit"=>"Create News item"} ` I...

hey thanks! it was much needed for one of my projects, and after seeing the cute-sy implementation of a drip campaign we had at work i knew there was at...

Check out - not affiliated, just a happy customer.

I know this is old, but if this would be accepted, I'd be happy to create a PR for it.

Ha, just came here to post this exact same bug.

I tried adding another account and seeing if that domain would get populated, but no dice.

@StefanoMadrigal I don't think it's a dependency issue. I think it's a query issue.

Could throw the vote in a background job and put a delay on it for a second. Edit: really hacky but it'd do the job.