Josh Matz
Josh Matz
I used the minified version and got positioning problems in IE and Opera. When I brought in the unminified code, this freeze issue popped up, whereas with the minified version...
Yes, quite a few. Some essential: AngularJS Batarang Adobe Edge Inspect Edit this cookie JSON View LastPass PageSpeed Postman Adblock Plus Web Developer YSlow Clear Cache Speed Tracer But also:...
Hmm... I don't use them all the time but I'll be re-enabling them as I go and seeing if I can correlate to a specific extension. I wasn't using Edge...
And of course, right when I say it's working just fine it stops working just fine. The only extensions I have enabled are LastPass and Edit This Cookie. I will...
Update: This occurred again. Extensions enabled in Chrome: LastPass, PageSpeed, Edit This Cookie, Feedly Extensions I've interacted with since booting up Chrome: LastPass. OSX 10.7.5, Chrome 26.0.1410.65, CodeKit 1.6.1
I ran into this issue and guessing it's related. Here's my explanation:
I just grappled with this issue for a couple hours only to realize that the error was caused by me trying to extend the base sails-permissions files explicitly. Unbeknownst to...
I'm also able to reproduce something similar consistently on my system and had the same reaction as @Thomas101 -- I thought I was going crazy and fat fingering commands. Finally...