Josh Doman
Josh Doman
If I leave the app with the GSR availability screen open and open it back up an hour later, the GSR availability screen does not update. It looks exactly as...
The time on the slider is slightly off from the time that is used to filter GSRs. As a result, the slider says 2pm but the earliest GSR is 1pm...
"When you support universal links, iOS users can tap a link to your website and get seamlessly redirected to your installed app without going through Safari. If your app isn’t...
The OpenData dining API occasionally returns times that conflict (example below). If one of the times is "Closed," all times that conflict with "Closed" should be removed. ``` { "date":...
This information is now redundant, and removing it will not be a breaking change for PennMobile. ``` "dryers": { "offline": 1, "open": 6, "out_of_order": 0, "running": 4, "time_remaining": [ 22,...
See here: Some of the "menu" fields are a JSON object and some are an array of JSON objects. They should all be an array of JSON objects, even...
The last 4-week calculation for the laundry usage data is including data from winter break. This data needs to be removed so that the last 4-week calculation only includes data...