Joshua Dance
Joshua Dance
I asked for this on Twitter, came here to ask for it again. Would greatly help my workflow and experimentation.
Found this thread looking for info on Supabase custom domains, would love this feature as well.
So will there be more reasonable pricing in the future? When standard pricing is $25/month per project, $250 a month feels a little crazy. :) And thanks for clarifying!
Discord link is still broken as of Jan 9, 2023
For those who google this, you can silence the CSS error by doing this: ``` console.error = (message, ...optionalParams) => { if (message.includes('Could not parse CSS stylesheet')) { return; }...
Being able to load your own .ckpt files generated by Dreambooth would be awesome.
This would be awesome. I have tried to do Textual Inversion with both Automatic1111, and InvokeAI and can't get either to work on a Mac.
> I was getting this error on an M1 mac while attempting textual inversion... > > > MisconfigurationException: MPSAccelerator can not run on your system since the accelerator is not...
@hades2510 Not sure if I'm using the conda env that was created when running installing InvokeAI. How would I check? I'm a bit rusty on command line techniques. :)