Josh Bernfeld

Results 24 comments of Josh Bernfeld

This problem is not because of framework conflicts. This happens when your navigation controller view is not the exact same size as your application window. For instance your navigation controller...

Im guessing this still causes problems for large titles, you might want to try returning zero from extendedStatusBarDifference to see if that fixes it.

I have the same issue

I found the problem go into JSCoreTextView.m and replace all instances of ``` rect.origin.y + rect.size.height - origin.y ``` with ``` rect.size.height - origin.y ```

You might try removing the call to removeAudioInputsAndOutputs() since it causes a black flash on video output when starting and stopping recording (aka from changing the audioEncodingTarget to a new...

I would place the following in the init() function of the Camera before commitConfiguration() is called if let connections = videoOutput.connections as? [AVCaptureConnection] { for connection in connections { if(connection.isVideoMirroringSupported)...

``` extension AVCaptureDevice { func setTorchMode(mode: AVCaptureTorchMode) { do { try self.lockForConfiguration() if(self.hasTorch && self.isTorchModeSupported(mode)) { self.torchMode = mode } self.unlockForConfiguration() } catch { print("Could not set flash mode: \(error)")...

Take a look at which may help

This solution is on the right track but does not fully fix the issue. See for a proper fix.