Is there any progress on this? Seems that the bug could be solved if instead of fetching all of the DOI numbers in a pdf, the program focused on just...
This is a trivial change. Anyone care to please check it? It is just one word in one line and it was suggested in the comments of #50 by @RuiPereira.
Thanks for your reply! I have already tried this and I still get zero for word count of the figures.
I have tried both with the same results.
Thanks for the suggestion. I tired it and am still getting zero.
Hmmm. Odd. I did uncomment this line "print filename, tex_lines[inc_fig_line_no], tex_lines[fig_line_no]" but did not get any printout. Seems to me the program is not even entering the loop where figure...
This might be the case. If I run `detex manuscript.tex | egrep "
Still no luck.