Jose Ramon C

Results 11 issues of Jose Ramon C

Would like to have some basic testing of this package.

help wanted

Hey! I added the configuration as described in #28. Opted to go back to the old default (branch), however not sure if this would be expected. However, we can easily...

Hey! I recently noticed that the default revision was changed to be the commit hash instead of the branch, with no option to change it to the branch (like it...

Hi, I'm struggling when testing an `inject_into_file`, My problem is that I can't generate my template file inside my `dummy/tmp` directory before running my generator that modifies that file. The...

I need to add border radius to a table, but can't find the option, I'd be more than happy to work in this feature but I'd need a guide on...

Some syntaxes (like [Solarized Dark]( and [Solarized Light]( need special highlight for function and class definitions. The problem is that I can't find a way to differentiate the blocks `end`s...


List folder receives according to [docs]( ``` { "path": "/Homework/math", "recursive": false, "include_media_info": false, "include_deleted": false, "include_has_explicit_shared_members": false } ``` I'd be able to work on this if you're interested...

Usually I need another format, not json, add stops for this use case.

Currently it triggers on every file, it must be supported only in `.erb` views and other files like `.yml`

This adds the code to support #17