Jose Pinilla
Jose Pinilla
If there is interest in merging info when concatenating samplesets since right now all info is ignored. This preserves conflicts by listing them, but squeezes unique values.
**Feature Request** The biclique embedding method in `busgraph_cache` doesn't provide an option for `chain_imbalance=(None or int)` like the one found in the `polynomialembedder` for `tightestNativeBiClique` and `largestNativeBiClique`. The new feature...
Hi, Is there interest in making the `suspend_chains` feature a part of find_embedding.hpp (or wherever is better)? I'm asking because I'd be interested in collaborating to implement this. Any reason...
This is a very small change that would allow the full use of the graphviz HTML formatting for each node label. I'm not quite sure if this breaks something else,...