@dsdinter I jotted out a draft for a non-seasonal arima, but nothing complete enough worth sharing yet, so more than happy to coordinate something jointly. Were you thinking about seasonal/non-seasonal?
@dsdinter sorry about the delayed reply. I'm planning on cleaning up the sketch I currently have for the non-seasonal arima tomorrow and will share with you and see how best...
@dsdinter I'll share what I have by EOD. I trying to get the parameters fitted with CSS to match up with the ones in R's stat:arima. I'll post regardless of...
@dsdinter I've pushed what I currently have for ARIMA. Current parameter fitting is done using conditional sum of squares, with the math3 BOBYQA optimizer (so no derivative provided). I think...
@dsdinter @sryza I reworked what I currently have for the [non-seasonal arima]( Thinking about it a bit more, I'm not entirely sure exogenous variables should be added to this implementation,...
@dsdinter no worries, I've been changing a lot of it, so actually probably best that you haven't taken a look yet
@dsdinter @sryza I've pushed what I have so far to my repo at I also added some tests. I've left removeTimeDependentEffects commented out, since what I was doing doesn't...
doneso. Labeled as WIP
@sryza and @cjnolet I had actually been working on the double exponential smoothing (i.e. trend and level, but no seasonality). I planned on doing triple after, but got sidetracked. I...
@cjnolet I started on a [holt winters implementation]( I hope to get to work on it tomorrow. Implementing the additive variant for now. The one thing I did notice though,...