Jose Nobile

Results 9 issues of Jose Nobile

Hello, How call WHM API 1? I can call WHM API 0 (Deprecated), UAPI and cPanel API 2, but not WHM API 1. How to call it?

Hello, I would like some callbacks in the swoole_http_client 1. onHeadersReceived (With the headers array) 2. onHTTPCodeReceived (With the code) With this callbacks, TTFB can be reduced in a proxy...


Multiple --css flags were lost in v2.0, this restores the possibility of multiple --css flags Fixes #514

Since v2.0: The flag --css can only be set once --css is an array, then multiple -css flags should be allowed as it was before v2.0

When I calculate the critical CSS for a page with css inlined () if such CSS is critical it is not returned as critical. Should be an option to return...

Hello, When there is a relationship like a `table A` to `table B` in field `A1`, and with `table B` in field `A2`, it will result in `getB` defined twice,...

There is missing the API Call: dns_records/import

I encountered an unexpected behavior in the mysql2 library related to the use of unnamed placeholders when the namedPlaceholders configuration is set to true. Expected Behavior: According to the documentation,...

I got this in STDOUT: VIPS-INFO: 8 point mask VIPS-INFO: reducev sequential line cache VIPS-INFO: 7 point mask Can it be removed?