José Nicodemos Maia Neto
José Nicodemos Maia Neto
Incrementing this: - In File menu put a menu item "Reopen as Admin" This option should reopen the current file using /u This can solve this feature request.
@JacekJagiello I guess this ConnectionFactory is using connection from Laravel and not for Doctrine. I'm afraid we have no integration with register. =/
Maybe this doctrine.php ``` php 'custom_types' => [ 'json' => Atrauzzi\LaravelDoctrine\Type\Json::class ], ``` In my boot method, there is a couple of code ``` php public function boot() { $this->registerCustomTypes();...
@klodoma Did you solve the problem?
@godlevel Hey Friend! Join us at We are integrating 4 forks of LaravelDoctrine which includes Atrauzzi.
@jee7 Hey Friend! Join us at We are integrating 4 forks of LaravelDoctrine which includes Atrauzzi.
Same here +1
I guess we can wait some commits to mark a stable version.
Could you post your Model?
I am doing like this: doctrine.php: ``` php 'metadata' => [ [ 'driver' => 'annotation', 'namespace' => 'App' ] ] ``` Model: ``` php /** * * @var int *...