> Which port are you using for http? I'm using 8080
> Please check with netstat, wich daemon is listening on port 8080. > `netstat -anp` Thats the output of netstat -anp ``` [root@GK]# netstat -anp netstat: showing only processes with...
> It seems that your cam exposes an rtsp server on port 8080. > `tcp 0 0* LISTEN 382/rtspd` > Try to change the port of the http...
> Change the port editing the file system.conf in /mnt/mmc/sonoff-hack/etc Legendary! I am finally able to access the web interface. The only thing that is not working is the PTZ....
> Are you able to make a dump of the flash and send it to me? Sure thing, will a copy of /mnt/mtd* be enough? I've done `for f in...
> Please try this binary: > [ptz.gz]( Great! I can use PTZ on tinyCam Pro (Android App) using ONVIF without a problem. The only thing I noticed is that on...
> Please, try this new version. > LINK REMOVED > > I fixed ptz web page and I changed the default ports for www and onvif (now 80 and 1000)....
> Ok, try this new version, please: > [GK-200MP2C_0.1.0.tar.gz]( Great, I think everything is working fine! PTZ over ONVIF and webpage is working (web is really slow but I believe...
@Heltec-Aaron-Lee yes, can you please provide binary for a blank ASR6501? Many thanks!
I'm having the same issue and I can't seem to fix it. Any suggestions for a workaround?