Hello, thanks for the answer. I did the following modification (without knowing what it was doing very well). and works fine. ``` use lopdf::{Document}; fn main() { let doc =...
Thanks very much @JRGTH and @hackacad Now i will try Jose
Hello @hackacad I had problems, more on the ubuntu (I am not a ubuntu user ) side than the jail: `# jexec ubuntu /bin/bash` > groups: cannot find name for...
Thanks. @hackacad , excellent your work Almost everything works fine. Had another jail (freebsd) with nginx too and nothing broke. There are two things I cannot get to work: **1)...
Hi @hackacad > Just ftr: Nginx works great on FreeBSD, so there's no need for an Ubuntu jail in that case. Yes, yes, I am a Freebsd and nginx user....
> So from what I see iocage does not provide the ability to script the creation of jails (aka dockerfile) while Bastille has the concept of templates. > > Do...
Hi @davidchisnall I never tested or installed it, I don't know what state it is in, but this may be what you are looking for
Or if it is not a bug, how can I do this dynamically?
Hi @gi0baro I hoped that by changing the value of session.f2 Validation is dynamic and contextual to what contains the value of session.f2. About lambda, I thought that every time...
thanks @gi0baro for the info. I ended up resolving as you say in the controller. Jose