Default value for expiration days is 7 (if not specified)
I'm cloning a repository with symlinks inside a ubuntu latest container I get the following error ` unable to create symlink core/src/main/resources/static/project/2021/lorem/ipsum-dolor-sit-amet.svg: File name too long `
This is no longer working could you share the requirements.txt or libraries versions ?
is supported in any way ?
Hi, Awesome work! Could you provide pre-compiled releases? Specially for windows is not easy to compile the plugin
I'm receiving raw audio and video from another process I want to transcode to mpegts My code is: ``` FFmpeg.atPath() .setLogLevel(LogLevel.INFO) .addInput(PipeInput.pumpFrom(readerVideo) .addArguments("-f", "rawvideo") .addArguments("-pixel_format", "uyvy422") .addArguments("-video_size", "720x486") .addArguments("-r", "30")...
It would be nice to support h264 videos, either by software encoder or hardware accelarated