
Results 40 comments of joseberlines

As an example in the same "family" a data table by #ipyvuetify shows automatically a search filter. That said the solution proposed is also really good since you can have...

A use case for embedding widgets would be editing a table in which text in cells might have to be classified good/bad. Two columns ipygrid could be built left one...

As for numbering examples imagine a table with expenses in column 1, items in column two. Those expenses habe to be assigned to different client accounts. Depending on the account...

Its always the case that finding the ultimate solution covering absolutely all your needs in the best way possible only happens in dreams. There are indeed some features that could...

Since ipytree was mentioned I allow myself to ask if ipytree is also a blommberg based create package? Thanks

This is an old opened issue here. As a Suggestion would it be possible to allow for auto ajustment of row high? the same as auto_fit_column, but auto_fit_row which will...

I can't not comment on the dificulties of implementing such an editable table. I can only say that there is still the need in the jupyter lab community to have...

Hi, perhaps also related to this 403 error this error I get when visualizing pdfs in notebooks (working well) but not in voila_

We get the same error. I installed last version and the error persist. How do you make the check you are just mentioning? (i.e. python-poppler compiled with the same poppler...