
Results 40 comments of joseberlines

@krassowski this is sooooo cool

Hi Mario, I think this kind of codes would be awesome as stand alone notebooks in the list of examples. This one: ipyvue_example_table_drag

Same here. as @martinRenou points out sorting comes out of the box. But not for the index column. So once you sort out in any column is impossible to "un-sort",...

Hi thanks for such a fast answer. More than a flow I would talk about " the environemet". Think about from a jupyter HUB perspective. A jupyter hub can be...

Use case: a product/company comparison table. Imagine a table where a company financial values have to be compared (and/or edited). On every column name you might write APPLE INC, MICROSOFT...

As example including a jpeg in ipydatagrid would allow the following: ![Screenshot_20210731-002751_DuckDuckGo.jpg](

Or put in other way it would allow to include symbols on the column names in situations like this: []()![Screenshot_20210731-003025_DuckDuckGo.jpg](

I will report soon. we have ipydatagrid in a JupyterHub environement and indeed the version currently is not the last one.

Hi @ibdafna So version updated to 1.1.11 and this is the result: ![image]( code gist: What I find strange: a) the auto ajustment does not work fully. The table...

btw, when you navigate with the cursor keys around how do you manage to edit a cell with the keys. i.e. what do you have to press in order to...