供参考 ```shell docker stop freenom && docker rm freenom && docker pull luolongfei/freenom && docker run -d --name freenom --restart always -v $(pwd):/conf -v $(pwd)/logs:/app/logs luolongfei/freenom ```
It's not recommended to do so on github actions.
> 账号目前要用,学校考核😥 可以用但是会有跳视频的情况
same problem, is there any solution?
This repo is not the official openwrt, if you want to install plugins or components, you can select them when you build the firmware. There is no official support so...
发现弹题后,弹题关闭之前是有个随机延迟的。 每个循环的末尾都有个1秒的延迟处理,不是立刻进行下个循环的。 这个不属于Bug范畴。