Andrew Kaplanov
Andrew Kaplanov
I'm glad that this idea interested you. Defining LinkedLogics with common shapes is easy. For example, that is simple «grep» filter: ``` val shape = new FlowShape(Inlet[String]("In"), Outlet[String]("Out")) override def...
It seems I got into still water..
Thank you very much for your answer. I'm writing a server on Akka Streams, which has several tens of thousands of lines of source code. All server components are exclusively...
I think it would be more logical to return 50, since for the same infinitesimal averageLoss and averageGain it returns 50. For analysis there is no difference between infinitesimal numbers...
Why do you consider the situation when both averageGain and averageLoss are zero invalid? This happen when the price doesn't move in any direction. The GainIndicator and LossIndicator both return...
Unfortunately, I can't edit XLS on my Mac. This is necessary to correct the test data.