Jorge Baño-Medina
Jorge Baño-Medina
Hi Rocio, I have tested the non-consecutive years case with the example provided in the help (type ? in R to see the example). I changed the number of...
You are right, your issue was solved in a newer version but was not released yet. I have just now released it so please update downscaleR to version v3.1.1 and...
I just changed the version names. Try to install them again and you'll have them. Thanks! El 6/2/20 a las 20:15, Rocio B escribió: > > Thanks Jorge, are these...
Ok Rocio, you were rightm there was a bug when ordering years that were not chronological. I think I solved it. Update your downscaleR version from the master branch and...
Hello Matias, The reason to get rid of any day containing a NaN value (even when NaN only appear for one station) is that neural networks are a multi-site method...
Hi Daniela, I suppose that you are saying that some of your predictions are NaN but not all of them. This is because the correspondent analog belongs to a day...
Hi Maria Laura! Concerning to your first question, downscaleR admits regular grids as predictand but that was a recent modification so maybe you just need to update your downscaleR package...
Hi, Could you please share with us the dimensions of the 'xs$Data' and 'wsobs$Data'? We suggest setting model.verbose = FALSE for saving memory space, when using a GLM (type ?glm.train...