Justin Pietsch
Justin Pietsch
2 things. First, I put the wrong example. it should be: ``` (suzieq-7LyZwL87-py3.7) ddutt@ddutt-yoga:~/work/suzieq$ suzieq/cli/suzieq-cli path show --src="" --dest="" --namespace=dual-evpn pathid hopCount namespace hostname iif vrf overlay mtuMatch mtu is_l2...
I'm still getting that same result as before, though now I see the addresses in the arpnd table ``` jpiet> arpnd show hostname=leaf04 namespace hostname ipAddress oif macaddr state remote...
can we print an error if LLDP does not exist, rather than returning source and dest
also notice the debug from spine02 -> exit02. The first line says that oif is swp6, which would be spine01. the second line says that the arp/nd table points to...
This is in the data in tests/data/multidc. If you click on the links in the path (link between spine02 -> exit02) and not spine02 you will see it.
vlan in multidc ``` (suzieq-QZqWZG2D-py3.8) jpietsch@jpietsch-server:~/suzieq$ suzieq/cli/suzieq-cli interface show --columns='namespace hostname ifname speed type' -c ~/configs/multidc.yml --type=vxlan namespace hostname ifname speed type 0 dual-evpn exit01 vni13 4294967295 vxlan 1 dual-evpn...
I also see it when polling right now the CNDCN dual-evpn, with scenario=distributed, with some bonds ``` (suzieq-QZqWZG2D-py3.8) jpietsch@jpietsch-server:~/suzieq$ suzieq/cli/suzieq-cli interface show --columns='namespace hostname ifname speed type' --namespace=dual-evpn |grep 429...
``` root> sqpoller show namespace hostname service status gatherTime totalTime svcQsize wrQsize nodeQsize pollExcdPeriodCount timestamp 2 NX-OS_DC1 leaf101-N93180YC-EX arpnd 0 [] [] [] [] [] 0 2020-06-19 10:52:41.794 4 NX-OS_DC1...