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xfce4-screenshooter shows "Copy to the clipboard" button only if it thinks a clipboard manager is running (screenshot is with xfce4-clipman running): ![image]( When I'm running `$ ./clipcatd --no-daemon` (with default... ```console $ tar -xzf clipcat-v0.5.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now $ file clipcat-v0.5.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz clipcat-v0.5.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz: POSIX tar...

I'm running `$ timeliner -twitter-replies -twitter-retweets get-latest twitter/joonas_fi`: ``` 2019/11/30 16:36:03 [ERROR][twitter/joonas_fi] Getting latest: getting items from service: processing tweet from API: processing tweet 123: making item from tweet that...

Here's the Tweet: Error message: ``` 2019/11/30 18:04:02 [ERROR][twitter/joonas_fi] Getting latest: getting items from service: processing tweet from API: processing tweet 1113180316510957568: making item from tweet that this tweet...

Tasks: * [x] Send PR for most clear issues * [x] Have the above PR be merged * [ ] Agree on a lint rule set * [ ] Fix...

Go's new FS interface is pretty cool, I've used in quite a few projects to serve files embedded into the binary, to do overlayFS-like stuff (merge multiple directories as one)...


[Spec]( > Each principal intended to process the JWT MUST > identify itself with a value in the audience claim. If the principal > processing the claim does not identify...

Because there's no `default:` branch erroring out, I could smuggle any valid JSON there, like `true`, `false`, `null`, any number or an object. They'll simply be discarded. I don't...

Go has [RawStdEncoding]( which makes this unnecessary: Not trying to nitpick here, rather I think security-wise it's dangerous as a concept to mutate untrusted input data before it's fed...