I've ran into the same problem. `build-storybook` does not respect `.eslintrc.json` and I have found no sufficient information how to configure it, so that it will respect it or an...
After some experimentation I got Storybook 6.0.0-rc.3 to respect a given `.eslintrc.json` or `.eslintignore` or the `eslintConfig` section of the `package.json`. Key to this was to use `EXTEND_ESLINT=true build-storybook`, so...
``` const cssLines = dictionary.allTokens .sort(sortByReference(dictionary)) .map(hexToRgba) .map((token) => {'hexToRgba result: ', token.value); return token; }) .map(formatter) .map((token) => {'formatter result:', token); return token; }); ``` Hello 👋...
Might be related to these Issues as well ... Is there any development regarding eslint?
Solving this with that `index.ts` hack is a neat workaround but I would really like to get to a better solution, since this would mean you can't really setup something...
@mrmckeb Here is a small reproduction. Without `EXTEND_ESLINT` Storybook is using its own eslint rule set. Is there any guide on how to setup Storybook 6 with an CRA...