Something like this perhaps
For reference, the correct term for filtering at the perimeter is "Domain Based Edge Blocking" or DBEB
I haven't seen any changes to the behavior or to the article yet so hopefully not :)
Hello, Are those issues something I can follow? I'm actively interested in the resolution of those issues. Closing a ticket where the resolution is 'i opened separate issue that you...
Hi all, I noticed the uservoice entry is no longer valid, is there a new location for this feedback or does it need to be recreated somewhere?
@yogkumgit I don't see any updates to the article addressing this issue, what was the reason for closure?
Morning, I am not sure how notifications on closed issues works so mentioning you both. * Did perimeter blocking get removed or changed? * Are failures due to perimeter blocking...
Let me try a different approach Please change the line 'Auto attendants can direct calls, based on callers' input, to one of the following destinations:" to read > Auto attendants...
I just noticed the section I referenced didn't exist when this was initially created. That [commit]( was an excellent step in the right direction. Building the relationship mentioned in the...
3. Actually, it should be a person with a Phone License assigned if I'm not wrong. Let me double-check it. Assigning a phone license to a user should enable enterprise...