I wrote [a plugin]( that adds a placeholder to ServerListPlus that fits my use case for using PlaceholderAPI. It's up to you if you still want to add this feature,...
This happens to me too, here is the log: (AMIDST 3.7, Java 8, OS X 10.10)
That is strange, because I selected a Vanilla 1.8.8 profile in Amidst
I also would appreciate an option to preview markdown live in the browser, similar to html/css, rather than an in-editor panel. It would give users more freedom to arrange the...
@davidbourguignon As far as I know, no option to view the markdown preview except the horizontal split pane has ever been added; This is a feature suggestion. (correct me if...
reload kills normal dynmap anyway in my experience, so there's probably nothing you could do.
This would be invaluable for me. Especially since one of my servers behind bungee is vanilla, and a bungeecord-only discord plugin is the only option.