For some reason, we need use junit-noframe.xsl to conver to html. That XSLT requires a package attribute on testsuite element. According to JUnit XML reporting file format: This attribute...
Hi, I'm trying to use lunasvg in my project. It is nice, but after some testing I found paths are not rendered correctly for some SVGs. For example, This is...
Thanks for working on optional GPU support. The configuration is exactly what I'm looking for!, but the current GPU check logic still not work in my use case. According to...
用#5的方法安装了pyim-greatdict ``` dotspacemacs-additional-packages '( (pyim-greatdict :location (recipe :fetcher github :repo "tumashu/pyim-greatdict"))) ``` 然后在user-config里设置了 ``` (require 'pyim-greatdict) (pyim-greatdict-enable) ``` 重启后查看了pyim-extra-dicts变量为nil。 看了看pyim-greatdict-enable代码发现,它拼出来的文件位置在 `~/.emacs.d/elpa/pyim-greatdict-20170725.625/pyim-greatdict.pyim.gz` 可这个目录下面只有.el文件 ``` pyim-greatdict-autoloads.el pyim-greatdict-pkg.el pyim-greatdict.el ``` 我在`~/.emacs.d/.cache/quelpa/build/pyim-greatdict`目录下找到了git repo和pyim-greatdict.pyim.gz文件。目录不对所以词库并没有被加载也没有报错信息。 现在的workaround就是手工复制文件过去。但是下次升级就还得在复制。