Jonathan Brown
Jonathan Brown
Same here, seems to be using a default path into `AppData\Roaming\r2modmanPlus-local` instead of the previous install's set path
I thought I'd add another use case that was missed here. Animated/Layered JXL files with mixed content, such as simple text or sketches for the first half and photos or...
JXL has a feature called Patches that _should_ find and reuse identical parts of the image, however in this case it's only reusing the 2 corners of the desk for...
> 1. If JPEG-XL had an uncompressed option, it could perhaps do that, but I think it only provides lossless or lossy options. [↩](#user-content-fnref-1-293336eac4e0c4ce56e34f4101ba709d) @Calinou I was rummaging around the...
> * [ ] For `.webp`, `cwebp -lossless -exact -alpha_filter best` should do, though `-exact` is only needed if you desperately care about the color values of 100% transparent pixels...
i assume you mean when running it on a server?
Jpegs it could make sense, since the transcode is almost instant, PNGs could significantly slow down reads/writes depending on the effort setting and the PNG compression too
There was a heuristic planned to use lossless areas in the image when better compressed than lossy, so it's not unreasonable to do a lossless comparison on that image too
In cjxl you can use `-a 0` to set the extra channel distance making it lossless, it's labelled as alpha quality but I believe that's only because it's the most...
I had forgotten about this issue, although while I'm here I realised nearest neighbour upsampling would only work if the downsampling is also nearest neighbour too, for pixel art at...