Jonathan Dent
Jonathan Dent
So i could do with this feature for my use case. I want to be able to open every map in a project and run a set of Actions which...
Yeah i was getting the same problem. I had to go back to 2017-CU11-ubuntu to find a working verison.
@winterIslander no problem. docker network create netty docker run --name "SQL" --network="netty" -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=SqlServerSuperPassword2017" -p 1433:1433 -v C:/DockerData/SQL:/var/opt/mssql --restart=always -d
Does anyone know how to fix this if your using the alpine image? (3.1-alphine) Managed to get libgdiplus installed but its not hooking up correctly i think. RUN apk add...
@qmfrederik using: - .net core 3.1 - System.Drawing.Common 4.6.26919.02 - EPPlus ldd /usr/lib/ gives me /lib/ (0x7f59626a7000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f596254b000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f596245e000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7f59623ac000)...
@qmfrederik i have to admit i struggled to get any output out of doing LD_DEBUG=libs. Thanks for your help. i have managed to fix my issue by doing: `RUN apk...
So I would do this by using the prefab replacement feature in ST2U You can find general details about this [here]( which has expanded details in this example repo [here](