Jon Jaques

Results 8 comments of Jon Jaques

Same here, though it doesn't seem to matter if it's in the environment files or not in NG7

@JamesHemery Hehe. I am bootstrapping a new project - and 30m after you posted this, I was thinking about doing the same thing. ^ But I realized the amount of...

Just out of curiosity, I see you are using `Promise.resolve`/`then` so this should work with synchronous functions too?

Thanks for checking!

BTW, the workaround is to just throw the [Tinker functions]( into a new or existing program.

Just throwing my two cents in here :) Feel free to tell me if it's crazy, as either I'm doing it wrong or I may have found a bug with...

Hi there, I've been experimenting with a generic get/set settings API today over on [choo-conductor]( Mine is for slightly different purposes, but I feel as if this would work well...

+1, would you accept a PR for this?