Michael Jones

Results 154 comments of Michael Jones

My 5-minute review of the links iontom shared tells me that telehash would be suitable for in-game chat features, or potential even suitable for medium-latency but still "real-time" net-code that's...

There's also https://github.com/ValveSoftware/GameNetworkingSockets

Unfortunately, it's probably far too complicated to both abstract networking libraries into a plugin interface while simultaneously capturing all of the features with 100% performance. However, I'd point out that...

Not that I want to barrage you with details, but speaking more about that Open Space Program game, I'd like to share a small discussion of how we'd (probably) approach...

For visual studio, there's also : https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2016/01/20/visual-studio-2015-update-1-new-experimental-feature-mpx/ My work uses this to great effect in tracking down the rare memory corruption bug. Our build system is setup to have 3...

My interest is simply as an educational exercise about the Construct project as a potential avenue to become a contributor. I have many years of advanced CMake experience, but very...

For strings that are 100% known at compile time, something like this can be used, which avoids using Boost.Hana and all of the associated template machinery. ```cpp namespace detail {...

There's also this, though it's not really something that can be used at this time. http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2019/p1228r1.html

@thed636 Sure, all that sounds good. I was only pointing out alternative approaches.

Well, at the very least, we can change the line from: ``` #define __OZO_SQLSTATE_NAME(value) case value: return std::string(#value) + "(" + detail::ltob36(value) + ")"; ``` To ``` #define OZO_SQLSTATE_NAME(value) case...