Jonathan Gros-Dubois

Results 116 comments of Jonathan Gros-Dubois

@zalmoxisus Whoop, I think I must have pressed `Ctrl + A` in vim without noticing...

@zalmoxisus @mingkang1993 the dependency `sc-broker-cluster` should be `v2.1.6` or later. Maybe an earlier version was cached by npm from an earlier install? @mingkang1993 Try reinstalling/updating the dependency after doing `npm...

@markortiz Do you also get "...stringify is not a function" on the server side? Are you running it over the network; if so, are you using plain HTTP/WS (not encrypted)?...

@markortiz Did you run `npm cache clean` and then reinstall remote-redux-devtools (and socketcluster)? I cannot reproduce this - Maybe there is an old subdependency that is cached and not updating...

@SSTPIERRE2 Which version of Node.js are you using? I think that this could be a combination of two issues: 1. Your machine doesn't have the required C++ compiler (version) to...

@SSTPIERRE2 It's likely related to the `uws` dependency on Windows specifically. I found this comment that may help (make sure you have all these tools installed): I'm on Linux...

SC supports JWT; so if you authenticate with OAuth as normal but also create a JWT token (on the server-side) when the OAuth succeeds - Then the authToken can later...

I'm not sure what could be causing the first error maybe related to the Node.js version and the use of fat arrow function syntax. The second error `Callback called multiple...

Is the new error `Callback called multiple times` logged on the same line as where the `TypeError: cb is not a function` was logged before? In any case you can...