
Results 10 comments of jondthompson

Angular 2 is a total rewrite. While I'm looking for the same thing, I doubt it will be in this repo.

Bump. I need this too.

What would be needed to update the project for esp-idf4?

I'm questioning the need to have the code that violates the check. The first pair is a regex that deals with right and left curly double quotes. (/\“/g and /\”/g,...

I'm going to add this error here because it's similar, and I got it today. [homebridge-onkyo] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Active Identifier': characteristic was supplied illegal...

Found the smoking gun... ``` async getAlarmState(callback) { debug('getting state for Alarm'; if(await this._getStateFromAlarm(false) && this.alarmSystem.state) callback(null,this.alarmSystem.state); else callback('get state failed or null',null); } async getSwitchState(switchType, callback) { /* 0...

Is there any movement on getting this implemented? I've been wanting something like this for years now, as inventory management has been a major detractor for me playing D2. I...

What would be the purpose of this that wouldn't be possible with other homebridge plugins?