Jonathan Binney
Jonathan Binney
Sorry I haven't had time to work on a ROS2 port. If anyone else wants to tackle it, I'm happy to review a PR.
Yeah, this still isn't ported to ROS2. Could you each explain your use case so I have a sense for what functionality is most critical, and what might already be...
I see - that makes sense. There's some overlap between a few different packages: - commoon_interfaces/sensor_msgs : has an [iterator]( for simple access and modification of sensor_msgs without needing a...
@JSOV2001 your use case does seem to be missing from the packages I mentioned, and it is an important use case. We could add the LaserScan->Pointcloud2 functionality to another package:...
(i'm trying to avoid adding an extra package in ROS2 unless it really is necessary)
@ucesiox i think for now you're best off implementing it yourself, sorry!
@tfoote this PR will change the license on the laser_assembler code to Apache 2 for the ROS2 branch. That sounds like the right license to use, and I'm happy with...
@vandanamandlik thanks - I'll review this
@tfoote can you comment on the question about the linter that @vandanamandlik mentions above? Is it expected that ported packages with different licenses will be flagged by the linter?
Not sure. That doesn't really involve the ROS stuff, so this question may be better for the main openni2 repo: