Jonathan Binney
Jonathan Binney
Looks like you changed the QoS on the publisher created in the python test node - that's not the one that's causing the problem. We're missing the return message published...
Awesome, tests pass! I'll do a code review tomorrow to make sure nothing major is wrong. Since these filters weren't in ros2 at all before, I don't plan on nit-picking...
Thanks @berend-kupers, and also @bjsowa for reviewing. Sorry it took me so long to get to!
You advertise on a relative topic (no leading slash). So I'd expect the topic to be `periodic_snapshotter/assembled_cloud` not `/assembled_cloud`, right?
Oops, nevermind, there's no `~` and no namespace.
Are you seeing the "ublished Cloud with %u points" message in the console?
Do you have the `use_sim_time` parameter set to `true`? Otherwise all ROS nodes will use the system clock, instead of the published times from rosbag:
Can you check the coordinate frame that the laser messages are published in, and then run, `rosrun tf tf_echo base_link `.
Can you `rostopic echo /clock` to make sure that rosbag is publishing it correctly?
Yes, I think that (at least part of) the RobotModel would need to be exposed to the kinematics plugin in order to properly fix this. The current initialize function of...