
Results 5 comments of Jon

Hi @fabiospampinato How to configure the Notable use system default browser?

After backtracing with gdb, the error is caused by the `gtsam::ISAM2::calculateEstimate` in `VioBackEnd::updateStates`. Any suggestion for the next step? ``` void VioBackEnd::updateStates(const FrameId& cur_id) { VLOG(10) calculateEstimate(); ```

Have you encountered [the slow starting of `nvidia-smi` problem]( The reason for slow initialization might due to the [driver persistence]( issue. NVIDIA's driver unloads a lot of stuff and releases...

I'm using your provided pb file the yolo-v3.yml

My install errors are: ``` /home/.../Code/matching/pymagsac/src/pymagsac/include/magsac.h:537:31: error: no matching function for call to ‘magsac::estimator::FundamentalMatrixEstimator::isValidModel(__gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits::value_type&, const cv::Mat&, std::vector&, __gnu_cxx::__alloc_traits::value_type*, double&, bool&) const’ if (sigma_models.size() == 1 && // If only a...