
Results 27 issues of jonathanunderwood

At present we don't have any GUI elements for: 1) Preset selection 2) Preset renaming 3) Preset saving

At present no GUI element is present for tuner mode selection/detection and tuner data handling.

At present we grab all interfaces at startup, including the various audio in and out interfaces. This is unecessary for simply controlling the amp, and prevents other apps from using...

Currently we use the fusion template by default (shipped with Qt), but ideally we'd use a custom template to improve the appearance. Qdarkstyle looks like a possible candidate, but it's...

The current model for cibuildwheel is that the only artefact that needs to be copied out of the docker container is the resulting wheel. However, since cibuildwheel offers functionality to...

type: enhancement

When we build a sequence of stacks where many can be built in parallel, e start hitting the rate limit for querying the AWS API: ``` Process Process-9: Traceback (most...

This builds on #116 to complete the work needed. The parser and renderers are largely incomplete, and there aren't really any tests of note. So, breaking the work down: -...


netjsonconfig currently validates against draft 04 of the JSON schema standard. It would be beneficial to adopt the latest draft, 07. One benefit would be the availability of a number...

See: ``` tests\frame\ ..F ================================== FAILURES =================================== _____________________ test_block_checksum_failure[data0] ______________________ data = b'\x96\xe4\xf4\xc2\xbd\xfc\x07\xe3\xf2@\x9c\x9c\t\x1a82F\x0f\x0f\xbc\x8d>\xf9\xa46xg9\xffV\x8786M\xaazj[\xa1Bn\'\x8c\x...xe5>.\xb8\r\x90\x00\xd02\x15}Bt\xba\x14=re\xba\xd7\xeb\x80\xe7\x98\xadX\xcc\xc6\x86\x05{\xb7\xe1i\x1e \xe6\x0b8h53\xb0' def test_block_checksum_failure(data): compressed = lz4frame.compress( data, content_checksum=True, block_checksum=True, return_bytearray=True, ) message = r'^LZ4F_decompress failed with...