Jonathan Lermitage
Jonathan Lermitage
:jigsaw: IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs plugin that overrides common file/folder icons like gitlab-ci.yaml, Git sub-modules, etc. Fully configurable. Users can register their own icons. Can customize IDE UI...
Steam/GOG/Origin games redistributable packages finder and remover. Available in 13 languages.
:test_tube: Play with SpringBoot 2&3, JWT, Querydsl, GraphQL, Docker, ELK, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Redis, MongoDB, Flyway, Maven, Gradle, TestNG, JUnit5, JaCoCo, GreenMail, CI, Quality Gates, Prometheus,...
:jigsaw: Old GroupIds Alerter - A Maven plugin that checks for deprecated groupId+artifactId (e.g. did you know that graphql-spring-boot-starter moved from com.graphql-java to com.graphql-java-kicksta...
NetBeans module that provides JaCoCo code coverage for Ant based Java SE, Java EE and NetBeans Module projects (JDK5,6,7,8 compatible).
🧩 IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs plugin that makes tool window icons colorful. This plugin is based on the ToolWindow Colorful Icons plugin from JetBrains, and adds some icons. Configurable. New UI support...
🧩 IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs plugin highly inspired from the DevToys software: hash tools, various data converters and generators, escapers, set diff viewer...