protein-transformer copied to clipboard
Predicting protein structure through sequence modeling
Attention is all you need (to Predict Protein Structure)
This project explores sequence modeling techniques to predict complete (all-atom) protein structure. The work was inspired by language modeling methodologies, and as such incorporates Transformer and attention based models. Importantly, this is also a work in progress and an active research project. I welcome any thoughts or interest!
If you'd like to look around, all code specific to this package can be found under the protein_transformer
loads and trains models, models are defined in models/
, and code in protein/
is responsible for manipulating and generating protein structure and sequence data. Many other research documents are
currently included in research/
, but are not needed to run the script.
Thanks to integration with Weights and Biases, you can easily monitor the status of your model training on the Weights and Biases dashboard (below). Many training statistics are logged in realtime, including the 3D structure of each prediction.
To run this code, it's recommended to first perform a developmental install of the package with pip in your current
environment with pip install -e .
. This will install the protein_transformer
package in your environment and you
will be free to import any classes or subroutines into your own training script if you wish.
- ProDy
- Pytorch
- numpy
- scipy
- tqdm
- wandb
- PyMOL Open Source
- collada2gltf (
conda install -c schrodinger collada2gltf
How to run
After successful installation, navigate to the protein_transformer directory
, where you can train a model with
Please also modify any wandb
initialization settings in
so that they point to your wandb
project, and not mine :)
This script takes many different arguments to determine different architecture and training settings.
python --data data/proteinnet/ --name model01 -lr -0.01 -e 30 -b 12 -m conv-enc -dm 256 -l drmsd
Currently supported models are based on an "Encoder Only" version of the Transformer and can be accessed with the arguments -m {enc-only, conv-enc}
. enc-dec
is currently deprecated.
usage: [-h] [--data DATA] [--name NAME] [-lr LEARNING_RATE]
[-nws N_WARMUP_STEPS] [-cg CLIP]
[-l {mse,drmsd,lndrmsd,combined}] [--train_only]
[--lr_scheduling {noam,plateau}] [--patience PATIENCE]
[--early_stopping_threshold EARLY_STOPPING_THRESHOLD]
[-esm {train-mse,test-mse,valid-10-mse,valid-20-mse,valid-30-mse,valid-40-mse,valid-50-mse,valid-70-mse,valid-90-mse,train-drmsd,test-drmsd,valid-10-drmsd,valid-20-drmsd,valid-30-drmsd,valid-40-drmsd,valid-50-drmsd,valid-70-drmsd,valid-90-drmsd,train-lndrmsd,test-lndrmsd,valid-10-lndrmsd,valid-20-lndrmsd,valid-30-lndrmsd,valid-40-lndrmsd,valid-50-lndrmsd,valid-70-lndrmsd,valid-90-lndrmsd,train-combined,test-combined,valid-10-combined,valid-20-combined,valid-30-combined,valid-40-combined,valid-50-combined,valid-70-combined,valid-90-combined}]
[--without_angle_means] [--eval_train EVAL_TRAIN]
[-opt {adam,sgd}] [-fctf FRACTION_COMPLETE_TF]
[--skip_missing_res_train SKIP_MISSING_RES_TRAIN]
[--repeat_train REPEAT_TRAIN] [-s SEED]
[--combined_drmsd_weight COMBINED_DRMSD_WEIGHT]
[--batching_order {descending,ascending,binned-random}]
[--backbone_loss] [--sequential_drmsd_loss] [--bins BINS]
[--train_eval_downsample TRAIN_EVAL_DOWNSAMPLE]
[--automatically_determine_batch_size AUTOMATICALLY_DETERMINE_BATCH_SIZE]
[-m MODEL] [-dm D_MODEL] [-dih D_INNER_HID] [-nh N_HEAD]
[-nl N_LAYERS] [-do DROPOUT] [--postnorm]
[--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY] [--conv1_size CONV1_SIZE]
[--conv2_size CONV2_SIZE] [--conv3_size CONV3_SIZE]
[--conv1_reduc CONV1_REDUC] [--conv2_reduc CONV2_REDUC]
[--conv3_reduc CONV3_REDUC] [--use_embedding USE_EMBEDDING]
[--conv_out_matches_dm CONV_OUT_MATCHES_DM]
[--log_structure_step LOG_STRUCTURE_STEP]
[--log_val_struct_step LOG_VAL_STRUCT_STEP]
[--log_wandb_step LOG_WANDB_STEP] [--save_pngs SAVE_PNGS]
[--no_cuda] [-c CLUSTER] [--restart] [--restart_opt]
[--checkpoint_time_interval CHECKPOINT_TIME_INTERVAL]
[--load_chkpt LOAD_CHKPT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Required Args:
--data DATA Path to training data.
--name NAME The model name.
Training Args:
-lr LEARNING_RATE, --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
-e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
-b BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Stops if training hasn't improved in X epochs
-nws N_WARMUP_STEPS, --n_warmup_steps N_WARMUP_STEPS
Number of warmup training steps when using lr-
scheduling as proposed in the originalTransformer
-cg CLIP, --clip CLIP
Gradient clipping value.
-l {mse,drmsd,lndrmsd,combined}, --loss {mse,drmsd,lndrmsd,combined}
Loss used to train the model. Can be root mean squared
error (RMSE), distance-based root mean squared
distance (DRMSD), length-normalized DRMSD (ln-DRMSD)
or a combination of RMSE and ln-DRMSD.
--train_only Train, validation, and testing sets are the same. Only
report train accuracy.
--lr_scheduling {noam,plateau}
noam: Use learning rate scheduling as described in
Transformer paper, plateau: Decrease learning rate
after Validation loss plateaus.
--patience PATIENCE Number of epochs to wait before reducing LR for
plateau scheduler.
--early_stopping_threshold EARLY_STOPPING_THRESHOLD
Threshold for considering improvements during
training/lr scheduling.
-esm {train-mse,test-mse,valid-10-mse,valid-20-mse,valid-30-mse,valid-40-mse,valid-50-mse,valid-70-mse,valid-90-mse,train-drmsd,test-drmsd,valid-10-drmsd,valid-20-drmsd,valid-30-drmsd,valid-40-drmsd,valid-50-drmsd,valid-70-drmsd,valid-90-drmsd,train-lndrmsd,test-lndrmsd,valid-10-lndrmsd,valid-20-lndrmsd,valid-30-lndrmsd,valid-40-lndrmsd,valid-50-lndrmsd,valid-70-lndrmsd,valid-90-lndrmsd,train-combined,test-combined,valid-10-combined,valid-20-combined,valid-30-combined,valid-40-combined,valid-50-combined,valid-70-combined,valid-90-combined}, --early_stopping_metric {train-mse,test-mse,valid-10-mse,valid-20-mse,valid-30-mse,valid-40-mse,valid-50-mse,valid-70-mse,valid-90-mse,train-drmsd,test-drmsd,valid-10-drmsd,valid-20-drmsd,valid-30-drmsd,valid-40-drmsd,valid-50-drmsd,valid-70-drmsd,valid-90-drmsd,train-lndrmsd,test-lndrmsd,valid-10-lndrmsd,valid-20-lndrmsd,valid-30-lndrmsd,valid-40-lndrmsd,valid-50-lndrmsd,valid-70-lndrmsd,valid-90-lndrmsd,train-combined,test-combined,valid-10-combined,valid-20-combined,valid-30-combined,valid-40-combined,valid-50-combined,valid-70-combined,valid-90-combined}
Metric observed for early stopping and LR scheduling.
Do not initialize the model with pre-computed angle
--eval_train EVAL_TRAIN
Perform an evaluation of the entire training set after
a training epoch.
-opt {adam,sgd}, --optimizer {adam,sgd}
Training optimizer.
Fraction of the time to use teacher forcing for every
timestep of the batch. Model trains fastest when this
is 1.
-fsstf FRACTION_SUBSEQ_TF, --fraction_subseq_tf FRACTION_SUBSEQ_TF
Fraction of the time to use teacher forcing on a per-
timestep basis.
--skip_missing_res_train SKIP_MISSING_RES_TRAIN
When training, skip over batches that have missing
residues. This can make trainingfaster if using
teacher forcing.
--repeat_train REPEAT_TRAIN
Duplicate the training set X times. Useful for
training on small datasets.
-s SEED, --seed SEED The random number generator seed for numpy and torch.
--combined_drmsd_weight COMBINED_DRMSD_WEIGHT
When combining losses, use weight w for loss = w *
drmsd + (1-w) * mse.
--batching_order {descending,ascending,binned-random}
Method for constructuing minibatches of proteins
w.r.t. sequence length. Batches can be provided in
descending/ascending order, or 'binned-random' which
keeps the sequencesin a batch similar, while
randomizing the bins/batches.
--backbone_loss While training, only evaluate loss on the backbone.
Compute DRMSD loss without batch-level
--bins BINS Number of bins for protein dataset batching.
--train_eval_downsample TRAIN_EVAL_DOWNSAMPLE
Fraction of training set to evaluate on each epoch.
Experimentally determinethe maximum allowable
batchsize for training.
Model Args:
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
Model architecture type. Encoder only or
encoder/decoder model.
-dm D_MODEL, --d_model D_MODEL
Dimension of each sequence item in the model. Each
layer uses the same dimension for simplicity.
-dih D_INNER_HID, --d_inner_hid D_INNER_HID
Dimmension of the inner layer of the feed-forward
layer at the end of every Transformer block.
-nh N_HEAD, --n_head N_HEAD
Number of attention heads.
-nl N_LAYERS, --n_layers N_LAYERS
Number of layers in the model. If using
encoder/decoder model, the encoder and decoder both
have this number of layers.
-do DROPOUT, --dropout DROPOUT
Dropout applied between layers.
--postnorm Use post-layer normalization, as depicted in the
original figure for the Transformer model. May not
train as well as pre-layer normalization.
--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
Applies weight decay to model weights.
--conv1_size CONV1_SIZE
Size of conv1 layer kernel for 'conv-enc' model.
--conv2_size CONV2_SIZE
Size of conv2 layer kernel for 'conv-enc' model.
--conv3_size CONV3_SIZE
Size of conv2 layer kernel for 'conv-enc' model.
--conv1_reduc CONV1_REDUC
Factor by which conv1 layer reduces the number of
channels for 'conv-enc' model.
--conv2_reduc CONV2_REDUC
Factor by which conv2 layer reduces the number of
channels for 'conv-enc' model.
--conv3_reduc CONV3_REDUC
Factor by which conv2 layer reduces the number of
channels for 'conv-enc' model.
--use_embedding USE_EMBEDDING
Whether or not to use embedding layer in the
transformer model.
--conv_out_matches_dm CONV_OUT_MATCHES_DM
If True, the final convolution layer at the start of
the model will match the dimensionality of the
requested d_model. Used for ConvEnc models.
Saving Args:
--log_structure_step LOG_STRUCTURE_STEP
Frequency of logging structure data during training.
--log_val_struct_step LOG_VAL_STRUCT_STEP, -lvs LOG_VAL_STRUCT_STEP
During training, make predictions on 1 structure from
every validation set.
--log_wandb_step LOG_WANDB_STEP
Frequency of logging to wandb during training.
--save_pngs SAVE_PNGS, -png SAVE_PNGS
Save images when making structures.
-c CLUSTER, --cluster CLUSTER
Set of parameters to facilitate training on a remote
cluster. Limited I/O, etc.
--restart Does not resume training.
--restart_opt Resumes training but does not load the optimizer
--checkpoint_time_interval CHECKPOINT_TIME_INTERVAL
The amount of time (in hours) after which a model
checkpoint is made, regardless of its performance.
--load_chkpt LOAD_CHKPT
Path from which to load a model checkpoint.
Training Data
The training data is based on Mohammed AlQuraishi's ProteinNet. Preprocessed data from the CASP12 competition that has been modified to work with this project can be downloaded here (~3GB, a 30% thinning of the dataset).
My data uses the same train/test/validation sets as ProteinNet. While, like ProteinNet, it includes protein sequences and coordinates, I have modified it to include information about the entire protein structure (both backbone and sidechain atoms). Thus, each protein in the dataset includes information for sequence, interior torsional/bond angles, and coordinates. It does not include multiple sequence alignments or secondary structure annotation.
The data is saved with PyTorch and stored in a Python dictionary like so:
data = {"train": {"seq": [seq1, seq2, ...],
"ang": [ang1, ang2, ...],
"crd": [crd1, crd2, ...],
"ids": [id1, id2, ...]
"valid-30": {...},
"valid-90": {...},
"test": {...},
"settings": {...}
Other information
Please visit my Project Notes for more project details.
This repository was originally a fork from, but since then has been extensively rewritten to match the needs of this specific project as I have become more comfortable with Pytorch, Transformers, and the like. Many thanks for jadore801120 for the framework.
I, Jonathan King, am a predoctoral trainee supported by NIH T32 training grant T32 EB009403 as part of the HHMI-NIBIB Interfaces Initiative.
Project structure (continuous integration, docs, testing) based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.1.
Copyright (c) 2020, Jonathan King