Jonathan Jouty

Results 8 issues of Jonathan Jouty

There are a few open PRs and issues with no replies, it seems like @bos is not actively contributing since a few years, which is understandable given his current position.... There is no obvious CHANGELOG, but it's described (in very little detail) here: The basic changes we had to do on our project was change `Http.Request resp` to...

Let me start by saying that this project is really cool and inspirational! Thanks for working on it and putting it out there. On a recent project I started out...


I encountered an issue today when using `generate_poisson_spikes` to create a series of SpikeTrains across distinct intervals, and then merging them using `merge_spike_trains`. Currently both `t_start` and `t_end` come from...

With the following API ```hs type UserAPI = (Capture "user_id" UserId :> Get '[JSON] User) : (Capture "new" :> ReqBody '[JSON] NewUser :> Post '[JSON] UserId) ``` and only the...

Thanks for a great little package that works nicely! The code generated is fine, but `elm-format` does not always like it (_i.e._ it does not match its format). I've been...

As per title, if your Elasticsearch cluster is unreachable or cannot accept messages for whatever reason, `withElasticSearchLogger` will keep going even though the `(Logger -> IO r)` action completed. This...

I got a few compilation errors using Elm 0.19, and I'm not sure if this is just me or what Elm and `Json.Decode.Pipeline` package version is currently supported? Would be...
